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Captura de pantalla 2020-12-17 a las 21.
Captura de pantalla 2020-12-17 a las 21.
Captura de pantalla 2020-12-17 a las 21.

For the patch I have recreated and remixed one of Federico Foderaro's patches following one of his tutorials. 

This patch uses the Xray library developed by Cycling 74 engineer Wesley Smith. to make this effect of connecting the brightest (or darkest) pixels of an image with lines, selecting them with a random index.

This creates web of lines around the image grabbed by kinect creating "hand-drawn like" graphics. 


It is possible to change the color of the lines, the width and the shape. Also controlling the threshold you can choose the amount of lines and switch between positive to negative. You can add background images as well.

This parameters can be changed by a mobile device in the same network using Touch OSC that sends osc messeges to Max. This messages are recieved by the udprecieve message.

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